Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Where the Hell is my 2nd Trimester Dip

My blood pressure's are normally low outside of pregnancy - 90s/50s, but for some reason my BPs are high in pregnancy than outside, when the opposite is usually true for most pregnant women.  Second trimester, most women experience a nice dip in their blood pressure- but apparently not me.  Any woman who has been through HELLP syndrome or preeclampsia is a freak about taking their blood pressure.  Me, I take mine 3 times a day and log it for my doctor and my own sanity.  For most of the 1st trimester my blood pressures ranged from 100s/50s to 110/60s but last few days they have been all over the place.

It is not consistently rising and honestly by other people's standards is not high.  But for many moms in my situation, rising and falling BPs (often called "labile blood pressure") are precursors to preeclampsia.  So it is only normal for me to be a crazy woman about the few readings I've had in last few days that were 130s/70s.  Of course, doctors are not concerned about anything over 140/80 right now, because they won't medicate me until that point.  However, that doesn't change the fact that it makes me crazy.

So while other woman are being worrying about whether carrying low or high means they are having a boy or girl or what color to paint the nursery, I am worrying about what I can do to starve off this disease throughout this pregnancy.  I am not superstitious but of course I will listen to any suggestions that the women on my preeclampsia forum discuss.  For example, there is some indication that swimming helps keep BP lower.  So I have been a little fish in the pool this last week.  I started taking my low dose aspirin in the morning to see if it helps BP during the day.  I have told everyone I can't travel far for much longer and I have warned my employer that I may be on bedrest at some point.  (god help everyone if I get put on bedrest because I can't even sit at home during a week day). 

Unfortunately at this point, there is nothing I can do-  I have no other signs - no swelling, no headaches, no protein in my urine and not even high blood pressure by anyone's standards.  And if you can't tell this already, I am not very good at having patience or not being in charge or in control so I probably will drive everyone crazy for the rest of this pregnancy.