Thursday, June 17, 2010


So today my breast feel better and the last 2 days I have had much less queasiness.  Of course the first thing I think of is that something is wrong.  Then I think, I finally bought some new bras to shoulder these things and maybe they hurt less because they have proper support now.  And I started taking my prenatal vitamins in the evening before bed, so that probably has more to do with the less queasiness.  But now I am counting down the days to my next ultrasound and dr visit on the 28th- because I will be at 12 weeks then and through one major hurdle- the first trimester. 

This has actually been a bittersweet last week.  I shared the news with my sister-in-law last week and she said oh my god we're pregnant too.  My husband's brother and his wife are due January 3 with their 1st child.  We are due January 10th.  I am super excited for them but seriously I have had a pit in my stomach since then.  I have thought - what if something happens to our baby, how will I cope with seeing her pregnant and then the baby growing.  That thought really scares me.  I wish the timing was off a little more.  I am not sure how to handle this right now.  At least they live in another state, so we don't have to compare notes or anything every day.  I hope they have a healthy and happy baby - but I hope we are able to get there too.    And I hope they understand that I have to keep myself a little distant in these moments. 

I have become paranoid about most things now, which I think is normal for most of us moms who have been through this before.  I told my boss I cannot fly after 24 weeks for work.  I don't walk at lunchtime anymore here because it is about 95 degrees and humid and I don't want to feel overheated.  I watch everything I eat and put into my body, on my body or use in my house.  I have become a freak about germs and I carry a bottle of sanitizer with me in the car so I can "wipe" down my daughter when I pick her up from preschool.  My husband thinks this is all pretty funny because I am usually someone who takes those things with a grain of salt.  I just feel like this is the last time I will be pregnant no matter what happens, so I want to do everything I can to ensure that me & this baby are healthy for as long as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, girl haven't posted for awhile -just wondering about you! Hope all is well.

    Desiree from WW
