Monday, May 24, 2010

Being pregnant is a necessary evil

I am not one of those women who glows when they are pregnant. Yes, I am happy I am pregnant and I really want this baby. But no, I do not really enjoy any physical part of the pregnancy. First, I feel tired - actually exhausted. I told my husband imagine the most tired he has ever been, then times that by 50. That is how I feel. I now go to bed by 9 everyday. Not the easiest thing for a workaholic type of personality to do.

Second, my boobs are huge. Yes, I am only 7 weeks and I had to go buy new bras yesterday already. Maybe I would enjoy this if I was an A or B cup, but as a D cup already, this is not enjoyable one bit to me.

And yes, I am starting to show. I weigh about the same as a few weeks ago, but my tummy is now starting to protrude outwards and round out. My clothes are starting to get a little tight already. I have a mediation next week and I am hoping I can get my butt into one of my suits.

Did I mention I am nauseous too? I never really get morning sickness in sense of vomiting with pregnancies, but I get that all day nausea. Not fun. And I have to eat really small meals during the day or I feel sick afterwards. Nothing even appetizes me right now.

The worst part- I love coffee. I must have multiple cups a day and it makes me feel relaxed. Before I tried getting pregnant with my daughter, I gave up caffeine. I rarely drink soda and if I do, I drink caffeine free and I gave up caffeine in my coffee about 3 years ago. I went to swiss water decaf (which uses no chemicals to decaffeinate the coffee), but it has started to make me sick too. The thought and smell of coffee right now are very vulgar to me. Same thing happened with my daughter. I could not drink coffee until third trimester and then only 1 small cup a day.

At least I am craving milk. I do like skim milk alot, but when I am pregnant, I seem to want gallons a week. We bought 2 gallons of skim for me at grocery store this weekend and I am already down to a little more than 1. I guess that is a good thing, because preeclampsia has been linked to Vitamin deficiency. I guess it is my body's way of getting what it needs in addition to calcium/vitamin D pills I already take.


  1. Still really tired, I am so sorry. I hope that goes away soon and that sick feeling-is awful. For real, if a man had to have one baby, each family would have one baby! Already showing, that is so wonderful. I started showing alot earlier with my second pregnancy. At least you are liking milk that is so important.

    You are truly my hero is you can give up all the caffeine. That would be the hardest part for me-I drink coffee and diet-cokes all day-I know not good but if I can't eat what I want I'm gona have my caffeine!

    You are doing really good and I am so happy you are at 7 weeks-when is the next official doctors visit?

    PS-I didn't like being pregnant either-I wanted my children but I just didn't enjoy it I worried most of the time no reason-I just worried! You are doing good-have you gained any weight yet?

    I'll check on you later-I sure miss you!

  2. Hey
    my sister in law did some investigating when I got hellp and apparently there is some research going on looking at dark chocolate and hellp.
    I think that there may be something in the chocolate that helps you not get hellp... i think that it has to be the good stuff with at least 70% cocoa and that the theory is that there is the right doses of magnesium and calcium in the chocolate that are factors in pre-eclampsia. I have not done any further investigating as I am happy just to eat the chocolate!!!
    far better than taking just to aspirin!!!
    hope that the fatigue lifts soon and I totally agree that stress affects the pregnancy. I have had very little stress this pregnancy compared to last and it is VASTLY different.
    take care
