Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We Have a Heartbeat

YEAH- We have a heartbeat. I am so excited. I went for my first doctor's visit yesterday. They originally were not doing a scan, but after the worry in my eye when I talked with the doctor, she said let's go ahead and do one. She warned me that 6 weeks is early, so not to be surprised or worried if there was not much to see. But low and behold, a little fluttering heartbeat. It was beating at 103 which I have been told anything about 90 at this point is good.

I am now officially on low dose aspirin. I originally had discussed this with my doctor back after my last miscarriage and D&C, but another doctor in the practice, told me after that not to take it because it is not proven to have any effect. I was very confused. I am glad I called my doctor last week and asked because my main doctor, who I love, told me to start taking the LDA. She said although it is not proven, it is not harmful to the fetus in such low doses and it is worth any shot. She said it may have no effect, but lots of her patients swear by it. That is good enough reason for me. Now I am adding that to my arsenal of medicine to take in the morning- prenatal vitamins, extra folic acid, Calcium & vitamin D, and now LDA. Believe it or not, that is more pills than I have ever taken in my life on a daily basis.

I am feeling a little disappointed in my husband though. He should feel as excited as I am. I know he is happy about the baby, but when I got home from doctors and told him I heard the heartbeat, he never said anything- not a "that's good", or "I'm so happy" or "that's a relief". I realized a long time ago that he is not very good with his emotions, but I would have liked a little something celebratory yesterday. Oh well, I am not letting him get me down. I am just enjoying the moment of hearing that little heartbeat. thump, thump, thump....


  1. Hi
    I stumbled across your blog spot. My name is Sarah. Like you I also had hellp syndrome and am currently going through my second pregnancy. I am currently 20 weeks at the moment, fingers crossed all going well. I also have a blog spot Have a read if you have a chance. I hope that all continues well for you. It seems you have had a pretty full on time.

  2. I hate medical groups for that reason. One doctor tells you one things and another doctor in the same group tells you something different. (((hugs)))
